Saturday, April 14, 2012.

You. Me. Both of us.

Eversince i've seen you for the first time, i really thought that we could never make this far.
First time. I met you at Cityhall with yr friends. Dash Berlin was cancelled and we went to somewhere else, just the two of us. :') I was afraid that night. I didn't know now, i'll need you so much all of my nights.

This. In the train on the way home. Was our very first picture using your Nokia phone. Hehe. See how handsome you are. Before. And now.

This day... I fought and have a huge quarrel with my mum.. I decided to run away from home. But you.. you stood by me.. :( You were sooo tired. You slept on my lap at the park.But yet, you're still there to accompany me. I ask for 20cents fr the next mrning bus trip.. And you run quickly to the ATM machine to check whether your pay's in. And come back with a sad face, and give me all yr syilings.. and said, "na la you.. ni je yg i ade.. kesian la i tgk you mcmni.." You know how much i appreciate yr effort. I cried when you sleep on my lap that day. If only you remembered how i kissed your forehead... and said I truly love you on that night and i cried. And you wipe, and wipe my tears..... :'(
p.s. I'm crying when typing this......

And as dayyysss goes by.. the love is getting stronger,and stronger.. People ask why is Eve created from Adam's rib. It's because to be closer to the heart, and under the protection on a Man.
You're the Man that has to be treated with love and care from me. Under my arms i shall keep you.

And the best thing of all... cuddle me in bed. put a blanket on me every hour you wake up.

And of course.. -..- all the weeiirrrdd and funny stuff we made together. <3

How you kissed me. Infront of yr friends. I remember this night that you send me off to nightrider. Well, knowing that you have to book in that morning. You still keep your eyes strong to be with me...

And all the things that we've donee......


Thre's still sooo much for me to show. There's the whole story behind all this pictures...
I really hope that someday, you'll mend us up.. I'm sorry that i screwed up.
I'm sorry if i was too ego.. I'm sorry that i have nvr been a good girlfriend. But please give me a chance..I know i can make it up to you. I love you..
I can never see you happy with someone else.. I can never see you out with anyone else. I can never want to know if you'd be attached.
I just don't know how to carry on life without you.
Eversince you left, all i think about is us. us. us.
The next boy that i'm going to fall in love is, our son. Non other. I can't fall in love with anyone else. Because i know what my heart wants. YOU.

I hope your happiness lies in the hand of what you always wanted Hillary
I love you... :'))

Blogged @ 9:55 AM

Friday, March 16, 2012.

So why should i take your hand when you can't promise happy ending?

Blogged @ 10:23 AM

Saturday, March 10, 2012.

Having a life, not attached to someone makes a big different in my life now.
Hello, my life's like a storybook.
A relationship break-up can be one of life's most extremely stressful and depressing events.
Depression is more than feeling down or being sad. It has affect my work, interest in activities and quality of life. It is not a sign of weakness and it does not just ‘go away’.
I can feel the persistent sadness or emptiness in me. The loss of interest in all or almost all activities. Decrease or increase in appetite; unintentional weight loss or gain. Whickh i think is weight loss. I have difficulty in sleeping..The restlessness or feeling agitated. I feel sooo fatigue and lacking in energy. I've got difficulty concentrating or having trouble thinking and making decisions.
Hais...Sad. Nothing. But. Just . Sad


Blogged @ 8:16 AM

Friday, January 20, 2012.

Picture of The Day <3

A hard day for me last night. As far as i know, this is my first ever time crying and begging for someone, not to leave me.. I don't know what the fuck i was doing, it came emotionally all of a sudden.
Well, i'm a happy girl today. Someone suprises me, not infront of my house like what boyfriends do (with flowers say sorry) , just ditch his work halfway and meet me under my blk. With food that he cooked. For me. As though he knows i was hungry at that moment. Hahaha.
I had a wonderful time with you. You are an Amazing guy.
I'm sorry that i can't make suprises for you. I'm sorry that i can't give you expensive gifts, can't give you the best present.. I can't even cook your favourite dish properly. But I am very sure that I can try and make you feel happy like a fat kid. Wait, you are already fat -.- LOL

I can't wait to explore what life has in store for us.

Blogged @ 9:39 AM

Tuesday, January 17, 2012.

It's funny how we've stop everything after you got me impressed 2 days back? I'm sad. I feel so terrible now. I just feel like taking a knife and slit the nerves on my hand. Sorry, i drama more when i sad. Haha.
Maybe, my destiny isn't tied to him. My destiny doesn't tie to someone that leaves.
I get over-reacted earlier. Why? Because i was asking for a day. Just a day from him. You know how long i was really looking forward for today :( Well, this is not the first time he got me disappointed you see. I'm sure someone out there understand how i'm feeling now. What does it feel, when you quarreled, on text msg, and he kept quiet. Instead, was on call waiting with someone else? Well, you see, you tried calling him but cannot get through. Why? Refer back to my last sentence.
Why must i not think negative? I've caught YOU redhanded, TWICE. Ring a bell? You know, you should keep your problems to yourself and settle among us. NOT, leaving the matter hanging and go to your EX and complain.
How does it feel, when the day you needed him the most, and he wasn't there? Errr..
There's still alot to say, but i'm giving it a rest :)
It seems like all i've done, was never appreciated.

But i believe, Allah has fix it better, for my upcoming life. Insya'Allah.

Kasih sayang kpd manusia, tidak sebesar kasih sayangku kpd Allah. Amin.

Blogged @ 10:55 AM

Sunday, January 15, 2012.

It's time for a change.

Another year with boyfriend! Alhamdulillah <3
I can't wait to see what god has made for both of us this upcoming months. But for this month, it has been a blessful one. Less fights, more love.
I spend my days all this while, loving him. Someone who i could call a Husband, a Boyfriend, a Bestfriend and a Father... Who i could turn to and complain everything, ad a shoulder to cry on.

Cause he keep me warm when i'm cold
He will always wake up in the middle of the night to put on a blanket for me when it's not in place.
He let me eat the last (INSERT FOOD)
He can make me laugh without trying.......
He makes me feel so special by saying 3 words.
He allows you to be independant and be myself.
He works two jobs to help support us (used to)
He teases me, even when it ticks me off.
He is a loyal friend.
He calls me everyday at lunch, breaks, whenever he have the time.
He inspires me
He encourages me
He hardly snores (but whenever he snores, i'll wake him up, of course heh)
He always, always tells me he thinks I'm beautiful and sexy.
He is not disturbed by my little dark moments
He makes me proud
He makes me feel special
He makes me feel confident
He makes life worth living
He makes the best cup of drink/nasi goreng lol (he cooks better then me!!)
He makes me laugh even when hes not around because i'll remember all the happy and funny moments we had

He's been doing all this for one year plus already. It's amazing how he's not been giving up, and tired of me. He's like a human that was send from the above for me.

I hate the way he's always right,
I hate it when he lie.
I hate it when he make me laugh,
even worse when he make me cry, yes, he makes me cry.
I hate it when he's not around,
and the fact that he didn't call.
But mostly I hate the way I don't hate you,
not even close...
not even a little bit...
not even at all..

I love you, not forever, cos forever is a lie. But i shall love you everyday, in all ways, always, endlessly <3

Blogged @ 7:58 AM

Thursday, September 1, 2011.

Reciting the Al-Quran. Believe in Allah.
Adalah Jawapan, untuk penyelesaian masalah.

Dengan kekuatan Iman, mengguna AKAL.


Blogged @ 5:31 PM

Wednesday, August 17, 2011.

Muhammad Nur Hillary Bin Mohamad Zaini <3

Well, i miss my boyfriend extremely and it's creeping me out. I desperately need an advice.

" I know what you've been gg through.j ust mentally pick out all of your friends and have them as your "support system" so there's always someone to talk to if you're not hanging out with them. you just have to keep yourself busy with something else, maybe go to the gym, that's what i've been doing.
There are always going to be times in the day when you're left alone with your thoughts and think about how much you miss him, and it's okay to cry. "

Hmm, i miss the feeling of Ryan. I'll never get over it :/ sad life.

Blogged @ 3:50 PM

Monday, August 15, 2011.

Funny story;
I pee-d in my pants while cooking for break-fast. Kay fake. I rushed to the toilet. BUT IT WASN'T MY FAULT. Hillary was making a joke and i laugh so hard.
I had a naise day with boyfriend today. I realize things had change after everything :/ So different. Nevertheless, I love You. No doubt 'bout that.
Just that, Maybe, just that, things will never be the same after all.

<3, Srii.

Blogged @ 1:27 PM

Thursday, August 11, 2011.

Love is composed of a single soul inhabiting two bodies.
You come to love not by finding the perfect person, but by seeing an imperfect person perfectly. I believe that two people are connected at the heart, and it doesn't matter what you do, or who you are or where you live; there are no boundaries or barriers if two people are destined to be together <3

Blogged @ 10:43 AM